The Town of Littleton owns and operates this website as an enhancement to the government services that it provides and as an information service to its residents, businesses, and to the general public. This website is a supplement to the information and the services available from the Town’s offices. The Town reserves the right to determine what information and services will and will not be placed on this Website.
The Town strives to present current and accurate information on this website, but does not guarantee the currency or accuracy of information posted here. Materials contained in this website are subject to change at any time by appropriate action of the Town of Littleton. In the event of a difference between the information posted here and the official information available at Town Hall, the official information will take precedence.
The Town of Littleton is not responsible for any material outside the website. Links to external organizations do not constitute endorsement of that organization by the Town. Links may be added, changed, or removed at any time, with or without cause or warning.